
Showing posts from June, 2022

Hello 1st June

1st June 12.10 Lagi di salon nungguin antrian Harusnya w pergi kesini jumat as planned, tapi kayak, tadi pagi males ngapa2in gitu, pengen ke salon aja.. Terus libur penuh jadi antri 🤪 Do i regret it?  Of course, not. We can meet again peeps! been a while~ --- Beberapa pertanyaan dalam hidup ini ga langsung dijawab Tuhan As we know jawaban Tuhan atas doa ada 3 macem; yes, no, not now Dan doa belom dijawab, doesn't mean He doesn't exist (some supernatural experiences were too real to ignore). Keep in faith, prayer, best effort and leave the final result to God's will, He knows best. Dulu gue pikir Tuhan bener2 arahin anak-anakNya, gue pengennya begitu, biar hidup ini lancar aja sesuai mauNya Tuhan Turns out; big no no, makin dewasa lo harus pertimbangin, putusin, dan take action sendiri Then, take ownership and responsibility whatever happens next Openness to self-improvement, mentality development and faith are key things Well, makin ke sini jadi sadar, gue basically bukan