
Showing posts from January, 2023

Lady in Waiting - Reflection Questionnaire

Source: Freepik Chapter 1 - Becoming a Lady of Reckless Abandonment From your perspective, what is the difference between “token commitment” and “reckless abandonment” to Jesus? Is your relationship with Jesus one of sacrifice or convenience? (2 Sam. 24:24) Have you broken your “alabaster box” at the feet of Jesus? (See Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 7:36-39.) Are you afraid to break your box at His feet? Why? Like Ruth, how has your relationship with Jesus affected your friends, your surroundings, and your faith? (Mt. 19:29) Does your life have public and private evidences of your reckless abandonment to Jesus Christ? Explain. Read Colossians 2:10. What does being complete in Jesus mean to you? In what ways do you feel incomplete? How can that be changed?Have you experienced the completeness that comes from the courtship available with your heavenly Fiancé? Consider this dating prerequisite: You must understand you are complete in Jesus before you ever date or marry. What does the following sta

Lady In Waiting

Lady In Waiting - Developing Your Love Relationships Debbie Jones & Jackie Kendall Buku ini udah lama direccommend sama temenku saat masih kuliah, udah dikasi pdf nya juga, tapi belum sempet baca sampe beres, dia sempet resend juga pas tahun awal kerja si pdf ini karena gue gagal menemukan filenya, tapi lagi-lagi belum bisa selesaiin Dan akhirnya cici mentor di kantor memberikan bukunya untuk gue baca.. oke mari kita summary-kan highlights yang kudapat yah gais.. semoga kita nemuin dan adopt banyak pembelajaran berharga 🙏 Preface Lady in waiting bukan tentang status single tapi kondisi hati (single, married, divorced, or widowed), kadang kita pikir kerinduan terdalam hati kita bisa terpuaskan dengan berpasangan, married, hingga memiliki anak, tapi sebenernya hal-hal itu ga bisa sepenuhnya memuaskan kita. Hanya the ultimate bridegroom, Jesus Christ. "Anything other than a love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of how good that thing may be, will bring you dis

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