am i okay?

Hari ini minum kopi lagi

Setelah sebulanan ga ngejumpstart?

I think the cafein is quite high

Sampe gue mulai khawatir

Karena sekarang gue bisa temenan sama ortu kayak bapak2 ibu2

Terus ditambah gue sempet nonton vlognya heart yang married dengan bapak yang gapnya jauh

Atau karena heart lumayan awet muda ya



Life is really interesting and unpredictable

Really pray for God's protection for the loved ones

And of course His guidance always

Only His love that saves and embraces us through everything in this life

Gives us wings to fly through all, up to the beautiful sky with smiley rainbow

*mulai terdengar seperti anak pecinta unicorn

Okay, night everyone, really pray for the best for all of you too :)


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