belajar dari jepang; ikigai

13 Juli 2022

Di salah satu sesi online training kantor, Pak Tanadi Santoso dari Business Wisdom Institute sharing tentang Ikigai, berikut aku bagikan di sini;

Kenapa kamu bangun dan pergi bekerja tiap hari?

Job purpose: apa yang dikerjakan sekarang

Career purpose: 5-10 tahun dari sekarang

Pak Tanadi baru temukan ikigai nya di umur 50 tahun.
Ikigai merupakan sesuatu hal yang walaupun tidak dibayar pun, kita tetap mau melakukannya secara maksimal.

Dikutip dari;

The Western intellectual tradition suggests that in order to be happy, what we need to do most of all is to go out and subdue the world; secure resources, found businesses, run governments, gain fame and conquer nations.

By contrast, the Eastern tradition has for a long while told us something very different. In both its Buddhist and Hindu strands, it has insisted that contentment requires us to learn to conquer not the world but the instrument through which we view this world, namely our minds.

Dikutip dari;

Kamiwaza: Like every other fascinating foreign word, kamiwaza is hard to translate. The closest is ‘ god-like’. Kamiwaza is where you try to be the myths, the super heroes, and the channel gods, to paraphrase Seth Godin in the Icarus Deception. It’s when you try to fly closer to the sun and become super human. Kamiwaza is the destination in the pursuit of excellence.

Godin ties the notion of kamiwaza to those who can truly make a huge impact in our post industrial world  – the new age artists, including entrepreneurs, even executives, and of course traditional artists. Anyone who dares to destroy, create, and connect.


Semoga bermanfaat gais! PPy Sunday 💕


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