belajar dari jepang; kaizen

Kaizen ini sharing BOD kami, Bu Lanny Budiati pada 31 Mei 2022 lalu, aku akan share notes-nya di sini juga, but karena sesinya offline jadi aku gaada SS nya ya gais, mohon maklum..



Make a better life

  • Cara untuk menangani peningkatan pencapaian: kaizen/inovasi
  • Amigdala: bagian otak bereaksi saat mendapat ancaman (defensif/lari)
    • Amigdala jangan dipicu atau dinyalakan dalam pendekatan kaizen
  • Kaizen vs Inovasi:

  • Kaizen mengkritisi proses eksisting (autopilot)
    • Continuous improvement yang bertumpu pada SDM
  • Tujuan Kaizen
    • Perubahan kecil yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan

  • Genba, Genbutsu, Genjitsu
    • Genba; blusukan, datang ke tempatnya
    • Genbutsu; lihat objek
    • Genjitsu; lihat fakta dan data

  • Lean Concept
    • VA; Value added activity
    • NOVA; Non Value Added Activity pada cycle --> dibuang
  • Downtime;
    • Defect
    • Overproduction
    • Waiting
    • Non utilized person
    • Transportation
    • Inventory (peletakan dan kecukupan)
    • Motion
    • Extra processing (unnecessary process)

  • Mekanisme kaizen;
    1. Penentuan topik
    2. Tabulasi proses dan spaghetti diagram (before)
    3. Analisa
    4. Tabulasi & Diagram (after)
    5. Implementasi
    6. Hitung efisiensi
    7. Pembakuan proses kerja
  • Kriteria topik:
    • Dijabarkan dalam 5W+1H

  • Jenis improvements
    • Quality
    • Cost
    • Delivery/Time
    • Safety/Risk
    • Morale

  • Senjata: tabulasi proses dan spaghetti diagram
  • Tabulasi Proses
    1. aktivitas step by step
    2. kategori (DISTRO)
      • Delay
      • Inspection
      • Storage
      • Transformation
      • Operation
    1. Perhitungan jarak dan waktu
  • Spaghetti Diagram (alur proses)
  • Analisa
    • Klasifikasi (VA/NOVA)
    • Possibilities (SCORE) untuk NOVA
      1. Simplify
      2. Combine
      3. Rearrange
      4. Eliminate
  • Tabulasi & Diagram (after)
  • Implementasi --> kecil dulu
  • Hitung Efficiency
  • Pembakuan proses kerja

  • Kaizen itu visual --> contoh: Kaizen board


Dikutip dari;

What is Kaizen?

Above all else, Kaizen is a mentality, a way of thinking about work that helps teams practicing it to:
  • Eliminate waste
  • Improve process flow
  • Boost productivity
  • Increase value created
There are two facets of Kaizen: flow Kaizen and process Kaizen, each of which tackle a different part of the organizational system. The use of Kaizen for continuous improvement requires both flow and process Kaizen efforts.

Flow Kaizen

Flow Kaizen refers to the flow of information and materials through an entire value stream. Flow Kaizen efforts aim to improve efficiency, productivity, communication, and transparency at the macro / organizational-level.

This often requires an overhaul of existing systems, activities, tools, and methods. For many companies, focusing on flow Kaizen, through an exercise called value stream mapping, is the first step towards a Lean transformation.

Flow Kaizen examples could include:
  • Creating cross-functional teams that include employees from sales, marketing, and customer success, to work together to move into a specific vertical
  • Holding monthly organization-wide meetings to review performance numbers against yearly goals
  • Implementing a self-service Business Intelligence analytics tool that provides every employee access to organizational data
  • Improving documentation across the company to reduce redundant effort

Process Kaizen

Process Kaizen happens at the individual / team level, taking small, targeted steps to improve efficiency, productivity, communication, and transparency. Because it is simply the process of making incremental improvements, process Kaizen is accessible to anyone looking to improve their performance, regardless of whether their organization is undergoing a Lean initiative.

Process Kaizen examples could include:
  • Reducing the number of team members involved in a particular process
  • Implementing limits on work in process (WIP) to increase speed
  • Analyzing productivity data from your Kanban board every week as a team

Remember: Kaizen is a Mentality

Ultimately, Kaizen is more a mentality than a method; it’s a way of approaching work that encourages continuous experimentation, analysis, and data-driven decision making. If you’re Lean or practicing continuous improvement, Kaizen should be embedded into everything you do. A Kaizen board is a tool to help you track and visual progress on your current and planned Kaizen efforts; it cannot (and will not) take the place of a culture of continuous improvement.


Semoga bermanfaat gais!


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