list of books in the bible

Menghafal kitab in english 🙏🏻✨️

Perjanjian Lama (Old Testament)

Kejadian (Genesis)
Keluaran (Exodus)
Imamat (Leviticus)
Bilangan (Numbers)
Ulangan (Deuteronomy)
Yosua (Joshua)
Hakim-hakim (Judges)
Rut (Ruth)
1 & 2 Samuel ( 1 & 2 Samuel)
1 & 2 Raja-raja (1 & 2 Kings)
1 & 2 Tawarikh (1 & 2 Chronicles)
Ezra (Ezra)
Nehemia (Nehemiah)
Ester (Esther)
Ayub (Job)
Mazmur (Psalms)
Amsal (Proverbs)
Pengkhotbah (Ecclesiastes)
Kidung Agung (Song of Songs)
Yesaya (Isaiah)
Yeremia (Jeremiah)
Ratapan (Lamentations)
Yehezkiel (Ezekiel)
Daniel (Daniel)
Hosea (Hosea)
Yoel (Joel)
Amos (Amos)
Obaja (Obadiah)
Yunus (Jonah)
Mikha (Micah)
Nahum (Nahum)
Habakuk (Habakkuk)
Zefanya (Zephaniah)
Hagai (Haggai)
Zakharia (Zechariah)
Maleakhi (Malachi)

Perjanjian Baru (New Testament)

Matius (Matthew)
Markus (Mark)
Lukas (Luke)
Yohanes (John)
Kisah Para Rasul (Acts)
Roma (Romans)
1 & 2 Korintus ( 1 & 2 Corinthians)
Galatia (Galatians)
Efesus (Ephesians)
Filipi (Philippians)
Kolose (Collosians)
1 & 2 Tesalonika ( 1 & 2 Tessalonians)
1 & 2 Timotius (1 & 2 Timothy)
Titus (Titus)
Filemon (Philemon)
Ibrani (Hebrews)
Yakobus (James)
1 & 2 Petrus (1 & 2 Peter)
1,2 & 3 Yohanes (1,2 & 3 John)
Yudas (Jude)
Wahyu (Revelation)


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